Correct Personal Vehicle Maintenance – The most comfortable private vehicle is a car. In addition to motorcycles, four-wheeled vehicles play an important role in one’s life. And of course, vehicle maintenance must also not be forgotten.
As an assistant, the car will be the most loyal personal assistant when on the streets, especially in big cities in Indonesia which tend to be thick with smoke and stifling air pollution. Not to mention in terms of environmental security, the vehicle will be the first barricade that belongs to the outside world, when outside the office or home. You could say the vehicle will be the second home that runs that protects us.
For this reason, vehicles must be treated the same as we treat people we love and care about. In fact, vehicles have the same feelings as humans. When we do not care and tend to be indifferent to treat, the vehicle will do the same. An example is when we don’t understand how to turn on a car properly, surely it will eventually damage the battery. Not only that, the problem might spread to other parts. Therefore, vehicle maintenance will be needed. Here’s how you can do it!
About car or oil lubricants
When the morning before you turn on the engine, open the hood and check the oil or lubricant indicator. Unplug the oil checker and check how much oil is still there.Oil checking when the engine is cold indicates the actual oil quantity. When the engine has warmed up or even has been running, the oil will spread throughout the engine room and you cannot determine exactly how much oil you are at that time.
If it’s already on the threshold or even below, it’s a good idea to add oil to a predetermined limit.
Basically, the oil will make your car’s engine last. The reason is that oil lubricates the vehicle’s engine and makes the engine parts that work do not wear out quickly. Friction will be muted with oil that works to lubricate between these parts. That makes the engine more durable and wear resistant. For this reason, oil changes must be made regularly.
Ideally, it is 3,000 kilometers, but some types of oil can last 5,000 kilometers. The longer and farther the kilometers are traveled, the level of viscosity of the oil will decrease because of the longer lubrication tasks. Therefore, the level of oil viscosity does not match the expected level. At that maximum distance, you have to make oil changes. While some people even think that oil change takes place once a month, it doesn’t depend on the level of usage.